Thursday, January 22, 2009

When did my baby turn into a little boy????

Everyone told me that my baby was going to grow up so fast and well....they weren't lying! I was taking some pictures of him today and seriously, I don't know where that little infant has gone. He was getting a head start on what men do best.....relaxing on the couch. All he needs now is the remote control!


  1. he is looking so big! holy cow, that last picture i can totally picture brady as a 2 year old!

    your comment on my blog made me laugh. "the heymans" is my mother in i wasn't actually responding to myself, just to clarify! ha!

    every time i try to comment on yours the word verification thing doesn't work and i end up getting frustrated and not commenting! this time i am going to make it work though!

  2. They do grow up so fast, huh? He still looks pretty little to me, though! I love how you dress him like a little man. I think that is so cute! Everyone says boy clothes aren't fun to buy like girl clothes are, but I think they are wrong!

  3. When did you become a mom!?! Wow. I guess it has been forever since I've talked to you. I'm thrilled you're in the blogging world. My blog is... - So good to hear everything is going well for you guys and Brady is adorable!

  4. Brady is very cute. How did you have such a big baby from such a small person! I am glad things are going well. We miss you in our ward. What ward are you in? I was talking to someone the other day in your ward but can't remember who. I was baptized in the YV ward (now NG 1 and 2).

  5. Oh my! So I just logged onto my blog and it said that I have 2 followers. That's right, two! But I honestly didn't know that I had any (officially), so I clicked on it, and here you are. This is my first visit. I'd have to say i really like your background, etc. . . ;) We miss you guys! He is a little boy now!
