Monday, January 12, 2009

The Nap Dilemma...

For the past week, Brady has slept for exactly half an hour, no more and no less, for every single nap. It's been driving me bonkers. Then this morning, the one morning I finally had somewhere to be, he decides to go down for a nap at 8:30am and doesn't wake up until 11:00am!!! Man, what is his deal. I just wish I new what I did differently for this nap so that we could continue this trend. One thing that I am learning about being a mom, is that life is definitely about Brady's schedule and not mine.

1 comment:

  1. Good for you in realizing that now, because it ain't gonnna change. Darn it all, you got to love and hate naps at the same time. I get one schedule down and then it changes. Don't worry you aren't the only one whose child decides to take long naps when you actually need to be somewhere or when someone else watches them and then they take a long nap for them and not for us, grrr.
