Thursday, January 15, 2009

Children or Dogs....

In my current state in life, I am surrounded by young moms with lots of children (which is fantastic by the way). We all seem to be trying to figure out the best way to take care of these rascals, while at the same time doing the things necessary to keep ourselves in shape. I usually see all kinds of moms with their strollers either walking or jogging on the trails by my house. Well, yesterday on my walk with Brady I saw something that was very humorous, but at the same time somewhat disturbing. I was coming up behind this older woman who was walking her dog and had a carrier on her front. I assumed she was carrying a child in the CHILD carrier (and yes I'm emphasizing the world child), but as I passed her I realized that she was carrying another dog! Now, don't get me wrong, I really do like dogs. I grew up with one basically my entire childhood, but come on! First of all, isn't the point of walking your dog to actually WALK the dog! And I'm pretty sure the person who invented child carriers didn't really have animals in mind.

While I found it quite humorous when I first came upon this spectacle, I started really thinking about it and it has kind of started to bother me a bit. I feel like the family really is disappearing and children are being replaced with something more "convenient" like a pet. Now yes, I don't know this woman and I'm sure she is a wonderful lady, I just think it's a crazy world that we live in and I'm going to do my best to raise a family full of CHILDREN (and in addition maybe a dog or two :) )!


  1. That is hilarious! If you don't have kids to put in, may as well use it for somethin

  2. This cracks me up for two reasons: 1. the obvious...the fact that there really are people out there who love their dogs more than their own kids and 2. the fact that Peter tries to do stuff like this to get a reaction out of people! (come to think of it, are you sure it wasn't peter and pookie that you saw?)
