Monday, July 20, 2009

A Weekend With My Little Bro...

This past weekend my little brother came out to visit us and take a break from his guiding in the Grand Canyon this summer. It was so fun to have him here. On Friday we took a trip to Muir Woods to see some redwoods, which were so beautiful. Saturday we got on BART and headed to an A's game, followed by dinner at McCovey's (one of John and Johnny's favorite restaurants...totally a guy monitors on every wall showing every sport you could think of) and then we topped it all off by going to see the new Harry Potter movie. It was a pretty fantastic weekend! Thanks so much Johnny for coming out to visit. Brady misses you already!

1 comment:

  1. Muir Woods is so pretty! I love that there are so many great places to take family when they come to visit!
