Monday, June 8, 2009

See Jane Run...

About a week ago, I was able to participate in the See Jane Run Half Marathon in Alameda. It was seriously a lot of fun. I ended up driving down with a bunch of women from my stake and it was such a great experience. At the end of the race they had all of the goodies as usual, as well as chocolate for all the participants. Who wouldn't run for chocolate! John and Brady were at the finish line to cheer me on, which was the best part of all.


  1. That's awesome, Sarajane! You're amazing. And I love that you have a bird nest. I would love checking that out everyday!

  2. That is so amazing, good for you. A half Marathon, that is way impressive. I was feeling good about me just getting back into running and running 2 miles yesterday, you just smoked my pride :) okay maybe someday I will catch up to you and your achievements! Good job!!!!

  3. so amazing!!! i could never run that far!!!! And that is so sweet about the bird! it will be so fun to see all the little babies!
